Thursday, October 12, 2017

First Post, Blog Direction

Hello anyone who may be reading this,

As the title suggests, this is the first post in this blog. I would like to briefly lay out my reasons for blogging, and the direction I see things going in.

But first, introductions.

Like most wargamers, my name is David (although I will answer to Dave, David, and "Hey Kid, Move"). I am fresh out of university with a degree in history. I am fortunate enough to work approximate to my field, but I will be looking to go back to school in the near future. That might be bad news for blogging, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it. In the mean time, I will try to get as much in as I can.

As far as my reasons for blogging are concerned, it really comes down to my desire to share my work. I suppose in the past I have been somewhat of a "lone wolf" hobbyist. Now that I am out of school I would like to change that, and become more involved in the historical wargaming world.

This blog also gives me an outlet to share my various projects and wargame-related ramblings. I will give much credit to the members of my

The content of this blog will likely be exclusively historical gaming. Sci-fi and fantasy have just never struck me (aside from the occasional Star Wars kick, but that's really a samurai-western anyway).

I do not want to promise something and then not deliver, but here are a few things that will DEFIANTLY be happening here:

  • After Action Reports
  • Modeling Techniques
  • Gaming Resources
  • Book Reviews

I have decided to kick things off by uploading some of my Sharp Practice-related files to the Smoothbore Resources section.

Last but not least, I would like to give credit to my core wargaming pals: Misters DA, DC, GK, & KJ for always playing along. I am sure that as the AARs start rolling out, you will be hearing more about them.

With all that said, I welcome you to my blog!

Since this is the first post, why not play the post horn?

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